Forest School

Cambois Forest School
At Cambois Primary School, we run our own Forest School situated in the school grounds. Our site is teaming with wildlife, including resident foxes, rabbits, and many species of rare native birds. We have  a fire pit area where the majority of the teaching and learning takes place.  Forest Schools are a unique and fun approach to working with our children in Cambois. Our Forest School programme runs throughout the year using the grounds in all weathers (except for high winds). Our children use full sized tools, learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, learn techniques and are encouraged to learn through play, by doing this the children can establish and grow in confidence, self-esteem and become self-motivated.
Why we do forest school
The philosophy of Forest Schools at Cambois is to encourage an innovative educational approach and inspire our children through positive outdoor experiences. Forest Schools have demonstrated success with children of all ages who visit the same local woodlands on a regular basis. Through play, children have the opportunity to learn about the natural environment, how to handle risks and most importantly to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with others. Any Forest School experience is required to develop practical, social or emotional skills is carried out in small achievable tasks to ensure our children feel success and develop confidence and self – esteem through hands on learning in a natural environment.
Staff involved in forest school
During our forest school activities there will usually be 2 members of staff within the forest area. In any emergency one member of staff will take the child/ person into the building to preform first aid, minor injuries will be treated on site. If by any chance one member of staff is alone in an emergency the member of staff will send a responsible child or volunteer to the main school office to get help.
Mrs Atkinson- Leader/ first aid
This role will consist of leader the group and giving jobs and responsibilities to those in support. This role will look at any risks within the forest school area and activities.
Mrs Brown- School Office/ 2nd to help in emergency
This role is 2nd to help in an emergency. The school office will be notified when the forest school area will be in use to ensure the office knows of any emergency what could take place.

Volunteers- support
This role will be supporting the main teacher and support staff. They will support children within activities but allowing children to solve problems independently.

Children – learners
The children’s role is to learn independently and have fun within their practical learning.
What children need for forest schools
Children and parents are encouraged to think about the usefulness of their clothing for outdoor activities, and to be aware they are likely to take some of our mud home or into school with them after a session!
In the forest school grounds it can often be cooler than expected under the shade of the trees. It can also be sunnier that expected when working in the open areas of the grounds. This needs to be thought out when providing your children with clothing.
We will go out into forest school no matter what weather conditions it is (except high winds). We work on the principle that “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”. Your child could be in forest school at any time of the year, so it is helpful to have clothing in school at all times.
We do have a selection of spare clothing and waterproofs but this is minimal and is helpful for your child to bring their own clothing in.
Clothing list
Waterproof trousers
Waterproof coat, with a hood
Long sleeved top
Full length trousers
Warm Socks, and a spare pair
Gloves and Woolly hat
Sun hat