Key stage 2 - year 3,4,5 and 6
Hello hope you are all well?
With this being the last week of school I have decided not to set a new challenge but I would like you to send me some photos of things you have been doing in lockdown if you haven't already. I have had some great pictures and it's been lovely seeing what some of you have been up to.
I'm also looking forward to reading some more of your reviews about a book, film or programme that you have watched or read that you think I would enjoy. So keep them coming!
My email address is joanne.rawlinson@cambois.
Mrs Rawlinson
Hi everyone hope you are all well.
This week's challenge is to write a review for a book you've read during lockdown,a programme you've watched or a film you have seen that you think I might enjoy!
You can type these up or write them and take a picture of them and then email them to me at joanne.rawlinson@cambois.
I am really looking forward to all of your recommendations.
Mrs Rawlinson
Lockdown Challenge !
As some of you may know I'm doing a display about your time during lockdown and I need your help!
This week's challenge is for you to write about the things you have been doing in lockdown. I'd like you to tell me about how different things have been, I'd also like you to email me some pictures of things you have been doing. This can be of walks you have gone on, things you have done in the house or anything else you'd like to share. I have had some pictures sent already but I could really do with some more.
My email address is joanne.rawlinson@cambois.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you all
Health and well being
click below to find a social story for children returning to school
Covid 19 book for children
This is a very confusing time for children. Please use the link below to find a book specifically written for children to explain the virus.
The DfE has issued a document that brings together an initial list of online educational resources to help children to learn at home. The DfE states that these websites have been identified by some of the country’s leading educational experts and offer a wide range of support and resources for pupils of all ages. virus-covid-19-online-education-resources.
In addition, Northumberland County Council and Northumbria Healthcare Trust have produced a ‘Coronavirus: Factsheet for Kids’.
Free OT apps
Follow this link for a selection of free apps recommended by Occupational therapists. Normally at this time of year in therapy, it can be hard to keep the kids attention spans on track. Having a free app that builds skills can be one way to stay on track with addressing specific skills. Whatever your need, these educational games and special education supports can be a powerful tool in distance learning and learning at home.
First Aid with The Red Cross
Check out some fantastic resources on this site to help with learning first aid skills
Thriving mind activities
We have put together some activities to support healthy social and emotional development through creativity, art and play
Timestables Rockstars - All children have their own logins.They can practice in their 'garage' until they feel confident enough to try out the 'arena'.
Numbots - they can use their TTRS login for this site also.
This Blog contains some ideas for maths games to play at home with videos included.
We have just subscribed to MYMATHS. This is an online platform where we can set homework for children to complete. You should receive your login details from your class teacher and then can begin.
A daily snack shop can be a great way of keeping maths going throughout the day. Give you child a daily limit and they must work out how much they have spent and how ,much change they have. Older children could have more complicated amounts to allow them to deal with pounds and pence so they need to use decimals in their calculations. Remember to send up a photo if you do this.
Maths - keeping it fun
If you're struggling to engage your child in standard maths work I hav eincluded some ideas below to make maths a little differnt so perhaps they don't realise they're doing it!
Read this blog which has some fantastic ideas
Maths On The Move
If you're looking for something different to do for maths then check out these Maths on the Move ides sheets - making more fun and interactive.
NEW maths trail
A fun way to continue maths which can be done inside or out in this beautiful weather.
BBC lessons
BBC bitesize are launching a new online timetable on Monday 20th April. Each day there will be several lessons per year group which includes teaching videos, games and exercises to complete. Use the links below to see the timetable and activities
Premier League Primary Stars ⚽️⚽️
Here is an amazing challenge to take part in from the Premier League Primary Stars. Can you hit a target with a pair of socks and then create a bar chart? Watch the video for some ideas. We’d love to see how you get on
Maths Challenge
Captain Tom Moore
I’m sure we’ve all been amazed by Captain Tom Moore and his achievement of raising so much money for the NHS at 100 years old! Here’s an amazing set of resources which can be sent off to celebrate his work.
Art ideas
Empty milk cartons can create a lovely bird home
Every weekday Joe Wicks Body Coach is teaching free 30 minute lessons which are perfect for both children and adults alike.
Why not complete this name challenge?
It’s yoga video lessons that children (with Autism and without) can practise at home during the Coronavirus Lockdown - which I am offering for FREE!
Here’s the link:
There is no catch. Like everyone else we are trying to do our bit to help.
The lessons are simply structured, easy to follow and to teach, as well as safe, highly engaging and great fun. Parents and staff do not need any yoga knowledge or experience to do this. I have been teaching yoga in SEN & Mainstream Schools for almost 25 years and have developed these methods over that time.
Although I created the videos for children who are on the Autism Spectrum, they are also ideal for neurotypical children from EYFS, Reception and Years 1 & 2 so feel free to let Primary Schools in your area know about this.
The lessons consist of THREE short animated videos, which your parents (and staff) can download from my website at the link shown, and use when it best suits the children. So no Zoom, no streaming problems; no privacy worries.
They can stop, start, freeze, go back, fast forward, when they want…and revisit time after time, after time; thereby reinforcing the activities which, we know, with children on the spectrum, is key.
Your pupils will be learning simple yoga postures, a sequence and a relaxation technique, and the whole family will be having fun at the same time.
Remember, you can access the videos at
Here’s the link:
There is no catch. Like everyone else we are trying to do our bit to help.
The lessons are simply structured, easy to follow and to teach, as well as safe, highly engaging and great fun. Parents and staff do not need any yoga knowledge or experience to do this. I have been teaching yoga in SEN & Mainstream Schools for almost 25 years and have developed these methods over that time.
Although I created the videos for children who are on the Autism Spectrum, they are also ideal for neurotypical children from EYFS, Reception and Years 1 & 2 so feel free to let Primary Schools in your area know about this.
The lessons consist of THREE short animated videos, which your parents (and staff) can download from my website at the link shown, and use when it best suits the children. So no Zoom, no streaming problems; no privacy worries.
They can stop, start, freeze, go back, fast forward, when they want…and revisit time after time, after time; thereby reinforcing the activities which, we know, with children on the spectrum, is key.
Your pupils will be learning simple yoga postures, a sequence and a relaxation technique, and the whole family will be having fun at the same time.
Remember, you can access the videos at
Free Daily Live Streaming
Science activities
Pobble 365 - this is a fantastic website which all of your children are used to using. Each day gives a new image with a variety of activities to choose from.
each day David Walliams is reading extracts from his popular children's books. Children can choose to listen for enjoyment only or to them complete activities such as draw the main character or design their own front cover.
Spelling - 10 minute stories are a great way of learning and using spellings in the correct context. Simply choose 5 spellings from their class spelling lists and set a timer - they write a story using the 5 words correctly.
Oxford Owl Class Login use this link to log onto Oxford Owl and click the 'my class login'. Use the logins as listed below.
It has links to home learning and books that children can read as well as key daily spelling practice.
Year 3 and 4 use the login
username: camboislks2
password: cambois
Year 5 and 6 use the login
username: camboisuks2
password: cambois
Year 3 and 4- Talk for Writing
This is a brilliant free resource for yourself and your children.
Access the booklets below using the links.
Year 3:
Year 4:
year 5:
Year 6:
Batch 2 has now been uploaded - more fantastic resources to use at home
batch 3 can be found here
Harry Potter Fans
Harry Potter @home is free while we are off school. The first of the books is also available on Audible for free.
- t2-e-2599-statutory-spellings-year-5-and-6-word-mat-_ver_3.pdf
- t2-e-3099-statutory-spellings-word-mat-years-3-and-4-word-mat_ver_1.pdf
Top tips to support reading at home
emoji quiz
follow the link below for a fun family quiz with well known phrases and book titles represented in emojis.
A lovely idea to complete and add to during these uncertain times - and something to look forward to doing afterwards.
Scavenger Hunt
Here are some ideas for both indoor and outdoor hunts. Older children could then create their own for younger siblings to do.
Our children are living through a period of history. Why not make a scrap book or time capsule which they can look back on in future years.
Online Safety
Think you know how is providing support and resources to help you learn about online safety at home with your child. Resources are found via the link below.
DfE guidance
The link below provides helpful guidance published by the DfE to support your child with their education during this time. We understand it can be difficult and as a school fully support you and your child. We are here to help and are only a phone call or email away!
Life skills
As time goes by you may be finding it hard to keep your children motivated to learn. Here are some ideas where children can be learning and may not feel they are doing it
Easter Holidays
White Rose Maths Hub are uploading fun maths activities everyday in the holidays if you're looking for something new to try.
Easter Holiday quiz time - can you work out the book names from the emojis? Use the website to see the full list. Something for children and adults to do together. Answers will be posted on Friday 10th on Pobble website
Chester Zoo - live Zoo experience day 27/03/2020
As we can't go to the zoo, Chester Zoo are bringing the zoo live to our living rooms. If you check their Facebook page they are having a virtual tour today. I have attached the timetable .