
Nursery Starters
2 year old
From September 2017 we have  offered places and childcare for 2 year old children. See the school information section for more details. An application pack is available below. The sessions are every day from 12.15 - 3.15 p.m. up until July 2018 and from September they will be from 8.40 - 11.40 each day. We accept funded and non-funded places. 
3 years old
We admit Nursery children as soon as your child turns 3.  We admit children all year round as soon as they are three years old apart from the last half term before the Summer holidays.
We have a morning nursery at Cambois Primary School. Nursery sessions are 8.50 - 11.50 p.m. and we also offer 30 hour places from 8.50 - 3p.m. 

If you would like to apply to the nursery please drop into school to pick up an application form. 

Is your child three? Do you need a Nursery place for them?

We are a very small and friendly school, with a dedicated Early Years team. If you would like to know more, then why not ring Miss Dorner in the office or pop in and see us!

Our Nursery also stay for lunch and the charge is £1 a day. They have a full lunch including pudding!
Reception and Older Children New Starters

All children who are entering Reception for the first time must complete an application form which must be sent to The School Admissions Team, County Hall, Morpeth NE61 2EF. You can find more information by visiting this link. Older children who are looking to transfer to Cambois Primary from another school must complete an In Term Transfer Form which you can find on the Northumberland County Council Website at this link which must be returned to The School Admissions Team, County Hall, Morpeth NE61 2EF. These are also available in school.

New current Reception children and children in older curriculum years must also complete a school application pack which is available from the school.

For school admissions our Planned Admission Number (PAN) per year is 15.