Covid 19 book for children
This is a very confusing time for children. Please use the link below to find a book specifically written for children to explain the virus.
health and well being
Daily online lessons for year 1/2 children.
Oak National Academy is a new collection of high-quality lessons and online resources. Backed by the Government, it has been created in response to the coronavirus lockdown.
Our online classroom offers free access to great teachers, delivering video lessons, quizzes and worksheets. Available for both primary and secondary, it covers a range of subjects. We’ve ordered all the lessons so your child can learn along a clear plan. We’ll provide new lessons and resources each week.
Click the link here to access the site:
Free OT apps
Follow this link for a selection of free apps recommended by Occupational therapists. Normally at this time of year in therapy, it can be hard to keep the kids attention spans on track. Having a free app that builds skills can be one way to stay on track with addressing specific skills. Whatever your need, these educational games and special education supports can be a powerful tool in distance learning and learning at home.
First Aid with The Red Cross
Check out some fantastic resources on this site to help with learning first aid skills
Thriving mind activities
We have put together some activities to support healthy social and emotional development through creativity, art and play
Talk For Writing
Follow the link below to access free writing ideas
Batch 2 of Talk 4 Writing can be found here
Batch 3 can be found here
Oxford Owl Class Login use this link to log onto Oxford Owl. It has links to home learning and books that children can read as well as daily spelling practice. The username is camboisks1 and password cambois .
Read Write Inc ebooks click this link to access online ebooks for Read write Inc. Match the level to the reading book that your child has in their home learning bag. This includes
- 72 free eBooks matched to Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks
- 62 Speed Sounds practice sheets
- 28 Ditty practice sheets
- Parent information booklets
- 8 Speedy Green Words slideshows
Daily RWI Phonics lessons for children
We are excited to announce that from Monday 23rd March we are scheduling Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on Facebook and Youtube for children to watch at home.
We will release three short Speed Sound lessons with one of our trainers every day for the next two weeks. The films will only be available at the times below:
- Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
- Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
- Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm
Can you make the alphabet out of items within you house or garden?
10 minute story - using the spelling list give children 3 spellings from the sheet. Ask them to write a short story which included the three spellings used in the correct context.
In addition, Northumberland County Council and Northumbria Healthcare Trust have produced a ‘Coronavirus: Factsheet for Kids’.
BBC lessons
BBC bitesize are launching a new online timetable on Monday 20th April. Each day there will be several lessons per year group which includes teaching videos, games and exercises to complete. Use the links below to see the timetable and activities
Numbots and Timestable Rockstars
Children have their own logins for these websites. They can take this at their own pace as the computer adapts it to their level.
MYMATHS - we have just signed up for a subscription to MYMATHS. This is a learning platform where your child's teacher can set homework for them and they can also access games and lessons to play at home.
We have just subscribed to MYMATHS. This is an online platform where we can set homework for children to complete. You should receive your login details from your class teacher and then can begin.
A daily snack shop is a great way to use maths skills daily. Give your child a daily spending limit, they must work our how much they have spent and how much they have left. Remember to send us a photo - we would love to see your shops.
A daily snack shop is a great way for encouraging daily use of maths skills
Maths - keeping it fun
If you're struggling to engage your child in standard maths work I hav eincluded some ideas below to make maths a little differnt so perhaps they don't realise they're doing it!
Read this blog which has some fantastic ideas
Maths On The Move
If you're looking for something different to do for maths then check out these Maths on the Move ides sheets - making more fun and interactive.
Premier League Primary Stars ⚽️⚽️
Here is an amazing challenge to take part in from the Premier League Primary Stars. Can you hit a target with a pair of socks and then create a bar chart? Watch the video for some ideas. We’d love to see how you get on
Life skills
As time goes by you may be finding it hard to keep your children motivated to learn. Here are some ideas where children can be learning and may not feel they are doing it
emoji quiz
Follow the link below for a fun family quiz which involves book titles and well known phases represented by emojis