Year 3 and 4

Class information 


Year 3 / 4 is the lower key stage 2 class at Cambois Primary School. We are taught by Miss Mason and supported by Mrs Palmer.

In a morning we have a phonic and alternate guided reading/spelling lesson followed by maths and literacy lesson each day. We follow a creative curriculum in the afternoon, including Art, Music, computing, French and PSHE. 




The children are currently focusing on place value, engaging in a range of both fluency and reasoning tasks to ensure deeper understanding of number. We also have the privilege of continuing to be a selected pilot school of Mastering Number from NCETM. This supports children with their multiplication skills, alongside our Timetable Rockstars app which the children have logins for and challenge each other - and their teachers - to competitions. Year 4 children are also practicing their tables via TTRS Sound check, which mimics the times table test which they will complete near the end of the academic year. So far, we have practiced our 2s, 5s, 10s and 11 times tables and we love the challenge!


Autumn 1 texts:


Surfing the Moon by Emily Dodd

La Luna A short film 

Stone Age Boy

P.E and Surf School
Our P.E days in Year 3 and 4 are Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure you come into school in the correct P.E kit. Children are currently learning dance with our instructor Sophie.
On Wednesday mornings, we have the exciting offer of Surf School. Your child will attend on alternating weeks to accommodate everyone. please ensure your child has a towel, a swim suit, a water bottle, a healthy snack and warm clothing for afterwards. Lunches will operate the same.
Oracy Skills
In our class we have been working on building our oracy skills, engaging in a range of Literacy strategies such as hot seating, role playing, drama and reasoning to develop and support our writing. This term we are having lots of fun with out text 'Surfing the Moon' by Emily Dodd, which ties in beautifully with our surf school - his has given us background knowledge to the book and helped us empathise with the characters.
Science - Autumn 1- States of Matter
We are learning all about liquid, gas and solids, and finding practical ways to deepen our knowledge.
We are also finding out about the water cycle.
Art and DT
In art, we have been looking at the theory of colour, and how to blend and use colour to invoke mood and using contrast to enhance colours. We have looked at Van Gogh and how he uses colour and creates movement. We have also looked at Claude Monet and his use of water colours to promote depth. We are enjoying experimenting with these skills to creat our own masterpieces.
In DT, we are looking at Prehistoric cave art and pottery from the Paleolithicn, Mesolithic and Neolithic times. we have already designed our own pots and can't wait until we have brought them to life, using decorating skills from the stone age.